Contract Law – I Important Questions

Contract Law Important Questions for Exam Preparation…Read more

  1. What is contract? Discuss the essential elements of contract.
  2. Define the term “acceptance”. What are the essentials of a valid acceptance?
  3. Define consideration. Discuss the essentials and necessity of consideration to form a valid
    contract. Discuss the necessity of consideration.
  4. “An agreement without consideration is void”. What are the exceptions? Discuss.
  5. “Post consideration is no consideration” – discuss.
  6. Discuss in details the provisions of law relating to minor’s agreements.
  7. Discuss the term “contingent-contracts”. What are the rules relating to performance of the
  8. A Quasi-contract is not a contract at all. It is an obligation which the law creates – discuss.
  9. What is meant by anticipatory breach of contract – discuss the consequences of anticipatory
    breach of contract/
  10. What are the contracts which cannot be specifically enforced?
  11. Define undue influence state when a contract is said to be induced by undue influence.
    Short Answer Questions:
  12. a) consensus Ad Idem
    b) Specific & general offer
    c) Novation
    d) Alteration
  13. a) Recession of contracts
    b) Counter offer
    c) Cross offer
  14. a) Quantum meruit
    b) Promissory Estoppel
  15. a) Misrepresentation
    b) Fraud
  16. a)Unilateral & Bilateral Contracts
    b) Void & Voidable Agreements

Click here for Constitutional Law Important Questions.

Click here for Family Law Important Questions.