Family Law Important Questions

Family Law Important Questions for Exam Preparation…Read more

  1. What are the various sources of Hindu Law?
  2. How far the custom is a source of law and what are the essentials for a valid custom?
  3. Discuss the importance of various marriage ceremonies under the Hindu marriage act 1955?
  4. Explain the nature and scope of section 9 of the Hindu marriage act 1955 with the help of
    leading cases?
  5. What is a judicial spectrum? What are the grounds for the judicial spectrum?
  6. Describe the various grounds on which divorce can be obtained by either spouse under the
    Hindu marriage act 1955?
  7. How far cruelty is a valid ground for divorce under Hindu law. Discuss with leading cases.
  8. Explain “Desertion” is a valid ground for divorce under the Hindu marriage act?
  9. What are the effects of a valid adoption? Discuss with the help of decided cases?
  10. Explain the powers of a natural guardian of Hindu minority and guardianship act 1956?
  11. Explain the grounds on which a Muslim married woman can obtain a decree of dissolution of her
    marriage under the provisions of the dissolution of the Muslim marriage act 1939?
    Short Answer Questions:
  12. Difference between Mitakshara School and Dayabhaga School?
  13. Doctrine of factum valet?
  14. a) Polygamy b) Monogamy c) void marriage d) voidable marriage
  15. a) Nikha b) Iddat c) Concubine d) Desertion
  16. Difference between Sunni & Shia law of marriage?
  17. a) Full Blood b) Half Blood c) uterine blood d) unobstructed blood heritage

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