Constitutional Law – Important Questions

Constitutional Law – I – Important Questions: Family Law – I Important Questions Contract Law -I Important Questions

Constitutional Law – I – Important Questions:

  1. Define ‘Constitution’ and explain the classification of Modern Constitutions.
  2. Write the definition of “Constitution”
  3. What is Constitutionalism?
  4. Write down a detailed evaluation of the Modern Constitution.
  5. Explain the Classification of Modern Constitutions.
  6. Explain Federal Constitution.
  7. Discuss the important features of the administration of justice in the Presidency Towns during 1600 and 1773.
  8. Discuss briefly about the administration of justice in the Presidency town of Bombay before the charter of 1726.
  9. Discuss the important features of the administration of justice in Madras Presidency.
  10. Describe the important features of the system of administration of justice in the early days of East India Company in Madras.
  11. Discuss the administration of justice in Bombay till 1726.
  12. Early history of judicial administration in Madras up to 1726.
  13. Explain the Legislative Powers of the East India Company under the charter of 1600.
  14. Examine the scope of the Legislative Authority of East India Company under the Charter of Queen Elizabeth 1600.
  15. Discuss the judicial changes occurred in India due to establishment of East India Company.
  16. Trace the development of East India Company.
  17. Trace the origin of East India Company and its development under different charters.
  18. The Charter of 1600.
  19. The Charter of 1661.
  20. Trace the development of Mayor’s Courts in the Presidency Towns under East India Company.
  21. Discuss the main feature of Charter 1726. Distinguish the differences between the Mayor Courts under Charter of 1687 and Charter,1726.
  22. “King George-II passed a Charter which provided restructuring of Courts in all the Presidency Towns” – Explain.
  23. Mayor’s Court of 172.
  24. Mayor’s Court.
  25. Explain Warren Hastings Judicial Plan of 1772. What were its defects?
  26. Explain the important feature of Warren Hastings Plan of 1772.
  27. Describe how the Adalat system was developed in India and what efforts were made by the Britishers to bring it in tune with the changing India into the British legal system?
  28. What are the judicial reforms introduced by Warren Hastings?
  29. Discuss the role played by Warren Hastings in reforming the judiciary.
  30. Examine the judicial reforms of Warren Hastings.
  31. Mofussile Fauzadari Adalats.
  32. Sadar Nizat Adalats
  33. Adalat System.
  34. Discuss the changes brought by the Regulating Act of 1773 under Indian legal system.
  35. Explain the salient feature of the Regulating Act of 1773.
  36. Describe the defects noticed in the Regulating Act, with reference to conflicts of jurisdiction between the supreme court and the Governor-General.
  37. What are the salient features of the Regulating Act,1773?
  38. Asses the merits and demerits of the Regulating Act,1733?
  39. What were the defects under the Regulating Act, 1773?
  40. “The Regulating Act, 1773 had created a Governor General who was powerless before Council and a Council was powerless before the Supreme Court at Calcutta”. Discuss with the help of decided cases.
  41. state feature of the Regulating Act, 1773.
  42. Details of Parliamentary Control over company from 1770 to 1854.
  43. What are the salient feature of the Regulating Act, 1773?
  44. Examine the causes of passing the Regulating Act,1773
  45. The Regulating Act, 1773.

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