Supreme Court’s decision to hold Rajiv Daiya guilty of criminal contempt

The Supreme Court of India on Wednesday held Rajiv Daiya, the chairman of Suraz India Trust, guilty of criminal contempt for disobeying its order to deposit Rs. 100 crore with the court. The court sentenced Daiya to three months’ imprisonment and imposed a fine of Rs. 1 lakh…Read more

The case arose from a series of petitions filed by Daiya in the Supreme Court. In these petitions, Daiya made a number of allegations against judges and court staff. He also filed a number of frivolous petitions that wasted the court’s time.

In 2019, the Supreme Court imposed a cost of Rs. 25 lakh on Daiya for filing frivolous petitions. Daiya failed to deposit the cost, and the court issued a bailable warrant against him.

In 2021, the Supreme Court directed Daiya to deposit the cost of Rs. 25 lakh within six weeks. Daiya again failed to comply with the order, and the court issued a non-bailable warrant against him.

Daiya was arrested on September 8, 2021, and he was produced before the Supreme Court. The court held Daiya guilty of criminal contempt and sentenced him to three months’ imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 1 lakh.

The court held that Daiya’s actions had amounted to a deliberate and willful disobedience of its orders. The court also held that Daiya’s actions had brought the administration of justice into disrepute.

The Supreme Court’s decision is a reminder that the courts have the power to punish those who interfere with the administration of justice. It is also a reminder that the courts will not tolerate frivolous petitions that waste their time.

The court’s decision was met with mixed reactions. Some people praised the court for taking a strong stand against contempt of court, while others criticized the court for being too harsh on Daiya.

Daiya’s lawyer, however, said that he would appeal the court’s decision. He argued that Daiya was not guilty of contempt of court and that the court had erred in its judgment.

The Supreme Court’s decision is a significant one, as it sets a precedent for how the court will deal with cases of contempt of court in the future. It is also a reminder that the courts will not tolerate those who try to interfere with the administration of justice.

The case of Rajiv Daiya is a reminder of the importance of the rule of law. The rule of law is the principle that no one is above the law, including the government. It is essential for a just and fair society.

When people like Rajiv Daiya try to interfere with the administration of justice, they are undermining the rule of law. They are also making it more difficult for people to get justice.

The Supreme Court’s decision in this case is a reminder that the courts will not tolerate those who try to undermine the rule of law. It is a victory for the rule of law and for justice.

In addition to the Supreme Court’s decision, there have been a number of other recent cases involving contempt of court. In one case, a lawyer was held guilty of contempt of court for making false and frivolous allegations against a judge. In another case, a man was held guilty of contempt of court for disrupting a court hearing.

These cases show that the courts are taking a tough stance on contempt of court. This is a positive development, as it sends a message that the courts will not tolerate those who try to interfere with the administration of justice.

The rule of law is essential for a just and fair society. When people try to undermine the rule of law, they are making it more difficult for people to get justice. The Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Rajiv Daiya is a victory for the rule of law and for justice.