How to buy a land on Moon from India? Is it legal?

There are few steps to follow to buy a land on Moon which are given below…Read more

Here are the steps for acquiring lunar land from India:

  1. Begin by identifying a reputable company that specializes in lunar land sales. While numerous companies claim to offer lunar land, it is essential to conduct thorough research and select a company with a proven track record and positive customer feedback.
  2. Choose the specific lunar plot you wish to purchase from the company you’ve selected. Most of these companies provide a range of options in terms of location on the Moon.
  3. Make your payment for the chosen lunar plot. Typically, these companies accept payments through credit cards and various online payment methods.
  4. Upon completing your payment, you will receive an ownership certificate or deed, either electronically or through postal delivery.

Note: It is important to bear in mind that there is no established international law regarding lunar land ownership, making it uncertain whether your deed will be recognized by any government or space agency. Many individuals buy lunar land for novelty or to support space exploration initiatives.

Here is a list of reputable companies offering lunar land for purchase:

  • Lunar Embassy
  • Cosmic Register
  • Moon Estates
  • Lunar Registry

Please note that these companies have no official affiliation with any government or space agency.

Purchasing lunar land from India:

To buy lunar land from India, you can follow the same steps mentioned above. However, it’s important to be aware that most lunar land sales companies do not accept Indian rupees, so you will need to make your payment in US dollars, using methods such as credit cards or other online payment options.

If you receive your ownership deed via postal mail, be prepared to cover any applicable customs duties and taxes when it arrives in India.

Is it a worthwhile investment to buy lunar land?

The worth of buying lunar land largely depends on your personal motivations. If you have a keen interest in space exploration or simply desire to possess a piece of the Moon, it may be considered a meaningful purchase. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge that there is no guarantee of your deed being officially recognized by any government or space agency.

Before making the decision to purchase lunar land, ensure that you conduct thorough research to identify a reputable company. Additionally, be mindful of the potential risks, such as the risk of encountering fraud or the possibility that you may never have access to your lunar property.

Is it legal to buy the land on Moon?

No, it is not permissible to acquire lunar land from India, or any other nation, for that matter. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967, which has been ratified by 109 countries, including India, explicitly forbids any nation from asserting ownership rights over any celestial body, including the Moon. Consequently, it is not legally possible for anyone to possess land on the Moon, and any transactions involving the sale of lunar land are in violation of international law.

Nevertheless, there are several businesses that market lunar land claims. These enterprises typically offer certificates of ownership for lunar land parcels, but these certificates lack any legal validity. If you were to attempt to visit the lunar land you’ve “acquired,” it is probable that you would be prohibited from doing so by the government or space agency overseeing lunar activities.

In spite of the illegality of purchasing lunar land, many individuals still engage in such transactions for the sake of novelty or as a means of supporting advancements in space exploration. If you are contemplating the purchase of lunar land, it is crucial to thoughtfully evaluate the potential risks and advantages before proceeding.