Administrative Law – Important Questions

Administrative Law – Important Questions for Examination Preparation.

Important Short Answer Questions – Topics

  1. Legislature
  2. Constractual liability
  3. Conseil ‘d’ Etat
  4. Habeas corpus
  5. Separation of powers
  6. State monopoly
  7. Res Judicata
  8. Vigilance Commission
  9. Doctrine of Social Welfare
  10. Sub delegation
  11. Promissory Estoppel
  12. Writ of Mandamus
  13. Henry VIII Clause
  14. MRTP Commission
  15. Domestic Tribunals
  16. Pecuniary Bias
  17. Ultra virus
  18. Laissez faire state
  19. Delegation of powers
  20. Maladministration
  21. Lok Pal
  22. Administrative Directions
  23. Administrative appeals
  24. Statutory Immunity
  25. Service Tribunals
  26. Judicial Control
  27. Rule of Law
  28. Mandamus
  29. Droit Administrative
  30. Civil Services
  31. Public Undertakings
  32. Welfare state
  33. Lokayukta
  34. Tribunals
  35. Post – decisinal hearing

Important Essay Questions – Topics

  1. Examine the nature of bureaucracy in India and explain the power and functions of Bureaucrats.
  2. Write an Essay on reasons for the growth of Administrative Law 20th century in India.
  3. Define Administrative Law and discuss the relation between constitutional law and administrative law.
  4. Write the concept of Delegation of power and various forms of delefgation on Administrative law.
  5. What is meant by delegated Legalization? How is judicial control excercised over delegated legislation?
  6. What is delegated legislation? What are the constitutional limitations on the delegation of legislative power?
  7. “One of the most outstandings development of the present century the growth of the legislative powers of the executive”. Comment on the scope of delegated Legislation.
  8. Distinction between quasi-judicial and administrative functions with help of recent decisions of the supreme court.
  9. “Nemo judex in causas sua”. Critically examine this principle in its application to the quasi – judicial function of administrative authorities.
  10. Explain the U.S. Regulatory Agency and Administrative procedure Act, 1946.
  11. What is meant by judicial review? Explain the various grounds for Judicial Review.
  12. What is public public corporation? State various controls over public corporations?
  13. Give a detailed note on Right to Information Act, 2005.
  14. Discuss the scope of Public Interest Litigation in the light if leading cases?
  15. Explain how far Lokayukta helps to redress the citizen’s graveness against administrative faults?
  16. Discuss How Principles of Natural Justice as a ground for Judicial control over administrative action?
  17. “No person shall be judge in his own cause”. Explain the significance of these priniciples with the help of decided cases?
  18. Give a detailed note on Prevention of Corruption Act, 1987?
  19. Give a detailed note on Doctrine of Ultra virus.
  20. Audi Alterm Parterm is Sine Qua Non of fair bearing – Discuss.
  21. What are the types of the bias? Explain how personal bias differs rfom pecuniary bias.
  22. Elaborate the principle of Subject matter of Bias. Cite leading cases.
  23. Explain various grounds for excercising judicial control over administrative discretion in India.
  24. Critically examine the powers of the Government under the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952.
  25. Define Tribunals. Explain the procedure for the jurisdiction of administrative tribunals and other authorities.