Labour and Industrial Law – Important Questions

Labour and Industrial Law – Important Questions for Examinantion Preparation.

Short Answer Questions

  1. Guild System
  2. Intra-Union and Inter-Union Rivalry
  3. Welfare State
  4. Trade Union
  5. Freedom of Association
  6. Bargaining Process
  7. Dissolution of Trade Unions
  8. Multiplicity of Unions
  9. Works Committee
  10. Exhange
  11. Gherno
  12. Industry
  13. Industrial Tribunal
  14. Board of Conciliation
  15. Industrial Dispute
  16. Award
  17. Retrenchment
  18. Lock-out
  19. Lay-off
  20. Misconduct
  21. Standing Order
  22. Surplus Labour
  23. Closure
  24. Discipline in Industry
  25. Domestic Enquiry

Essay Questions

  1. Discuss the transition of labour from laissez faire to welfare state.
  2. Critically examine the colonical labour law and policy.
  3. Critically examine the immunities of trade union with the help of case law.
  4. Discuss the role of Trade unions in the changing economic Scenario.
  5. Explain the concept of collective bargaining and discuss the essential conditions for the success of collective bargaining process.
  6. Discuss the procedure for certification and modification of standing orders.
  7. Discuss briefly the various emthods of state regulation in the industrial disputes resolution process.
  8. Explain the meaning of discipline in industry and discuss the causes of indiscipline. Discuss the transition of labour from laissez faire to welfare state.
  9. Critically examine the colonical labour law and policy.
  10. Discuss the grounds on which the registration of trade union can be cancelled under the Trade Union Act, 1926?
  11. What remedies available toaggrieved Union to challenge the decision? “Collective Bargaining is a tool for fostering industrial relations”.
  12. Justify this, Statement in relation to the value of agreements arrived at through collective bargaining.
  13. Explain the interpretation of Standing orders under the Standing Orders Act, 1946. Define Closure.
  14. Explain the General and Special Provisions relating to Lay-off and closure. Define Industry. Explain the doctrine of hire and fire with suitable illustrations.
  15. What is the Procedure to conduct the Domestic Enquiry?
  16. Trade unions in India were born in politics they are living in politics and will continue to live in politics.
  17. Comment while tracing history of Trade Union Movement in india.
  18. Define Trade Union and discuss the scope of immunity of Trade Union from Civil and Criminal Liability.
  19. What are the Industrial Disputes Act,1947.
  20. Discuss the Law relating to Lay-off, Retrenchment and clisure under the Industrial Disputes Act,1947.
  21. Define the term “Industry”. State whether Muncipal Corporation is an Industry or not. What is the role of standing orders in an industry?
  22. How are the standing orders certified and modified?
  23. Explain the concept of collective bargaining and its essential charactestics and conditions for the success of collective bargaining.
  24. What is the procedure to conduct the Domestic enquiry.
  25. Explain the privilages of registered trade union under the Trade Union Act, 1926.
  26. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of collective bargaining.
  27. Define Strike. Explain different types of strikes.
  28. Explain the steps invloved in the process of disciplinary action under the Act.
  29. What are the conditions for certification of Standing Orders?
  30. Define Industry, Industrial Dispute and Worken with the relevant provisions.
  31. Explain the recommendations of Second Labour Commission.
  32. Specify the provisions relating to lay-off, retrenchment and clisure.