Jurisprudence – Important Questions

Jurisprudence – Important Questions

Important Short Questions & Answers – Topics

  1. Explain Vested Ownership, Ownership, relation between Possession and Ownership.

  2. Explain Positive Law, Positivism, And Positive Mortality.

  3. Explain Kinds of Duties, Imperfect Duties, Absolute and Relative Duties.

  4. Explain Meaning of General and Particular Jurisprudence, Historical school of Jurisprudence.

  5. Definition of Custom, Explain Custom as source law.

  6. Define Volksgeist.

  7. Doctrine of Precedent.

  8. What is Vicarious Liability?

  9. Legal Status of Unborn Persons.

  10. Meaning, Definition and Purpose of Law.

  11. Concept of Stare Decisis.

  12. Explain Realist School, Philosophical School, Analytical School, And Sociological School.
  1. Ratio Decidendi.

  2. Concept of Strict Liability.

  3. Explain H.L.A Hart’S Concept Of Law, Austin’S Concept Of Law and Legal Source Of Law.

  4. Civil Justice and Natural Justice.

  5. Legal Sanctions.

  6. Legal Status Of Dead Men.

  7. Constructive Possession.

  8. Natural Law.

  9. Political Order

  10. Legislation and Delegated Legislation.

  11. Grundnorm.

  12. Social Engineering.

  13. Relevance Of Motive.

  14. Sovereignty.

  15. Mens Rea.

  16. Normative Science.

  17. Definition Of Property.
  1. Obiter Dicta.

  2. Marxist Theory of Law

  3. Concept of Dharma

  4. Legal Person

  5. Pure Theory of Law

  6. Keshavananda Bharathi Case

  7. Prescription

  8. Social Solidarity

  9. Codification

  10. Reformative Theory

  11. Legal Right

  12. Immunity

  13. Subordinate Legislation

  14. Perfect and Imperfect Rights

  15. Preventive Theory

  16. Positive and Negative Rights

  17. Retributive Theory

  18. Salmond’s Definition of Law

  19. Equity

  20. Corporation Sole

  21. Deterrent Theory

  22. Kinds Of Juristic Persons

  23. Private And Public Law

  24. Corporate Personality

  25. Bad Man’s Theory Of Law

  26. Command

  27. Golden Rule Of Interpretation

  28. Concept Of State

  29. Rights In Rem

  30. Legal Status Of Lower Animals

  31. Legal Realism

  32. Mischief Rule

  33. Obligation And Its Kinds

  34. Prospective Overruling

  35. Jus Necessitates

  36. Purpose Of Incorporation

Important Essay Questions & Answers – Topics

  1. Explain Kelsen’s pure theory of law with reference to brand norms and its Criticism.

  2. Discuss Civil and Criminal justice with the relevant case law.

  3. What are the requisites of a Valid Custom and explain the present position of customary law.

  4. What are different kinds of Property and modes of Acquisition of property?

  5. Explain the contributions of Roscoe pound to sociological jurisprudence.

  6. Jurisprudence means the knowledge of things divine and human, the science of right and wrong. Discuss the above statement.

  7. Explain Sole Ownership and Co-Ownership.

  8. Explain Supreme and Subordinate legislation and advantages of Precedent over legislation.

  9. Explain basic structure doctrine with the help of cases.

  10. Explain the theory of strict liability Refer to cases.

  11. Define Obligation and discuss the various sources of Obligation.

  12. Distinguish between Ownership and Possession.

  13. Define the term Negligence. Explain the theories of Negligence.

  14. Define property and describe various theories of property.

  15. Examine the concept of reasonableness with reference to the decided. Cases State of Madras Vs V.G.Row and Menaka Gandhi Vs. Union of India.

  16. Define liability and distinguish between Civil and Criminal liability.

  17. Define the term right. Explain the various kinds of legal rights.

  18. What are different schools of Jurisprudence?

  19. Discuss the principle of vicarious liability. Whether the principle can be extended to the Government’s liability?

  20. Explain the theories regarding the purpose of criminal justice.

  21. Examine different kinds of ownership and differentiate the relationship between ownership and possession.

  22. Explain the concept of justice and discuss the theories of punishment.

  23. Discuss the relationship between law and morality. Is law devoid of morality?

  24. Law is the command of the Sovereign. Critically examine the theory of sovereignty.

  25. What are different kinds of customs? Distinguish between Custom and Prescription.

  26. Discuss the legislation as a source of law and explain delegated legislation and subordinate legislation.

  27. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Codification.

  28. What is Jurisprudence? How is it different from other social sciences?

  29. Define Obligation and discuss the various sources of Obligation.

  30. Explain the definition of law by Austin and Salmond. What are your concluding remarks on both theories?

  31. In Reality law consists of rules in accordance with reason and nature. Elaborate.

  32. What are the circumstances destroying or weakening the binding force of Precedent?

  33. What are Possessory remedies?

  34. Explain obligated legislation and point out its dangers and various safeguards against same.

  35. The law is without a doubt a remedy for great evils, yet it brings with it evils of its own. Examine.

  36. Discuss the critical obligation arising out of Contract and Quasi contract.