Famous Case: National Insurance Company Ltd. Vs. Hamida Khatoon and Others (2009) 13 SCC 361

The case of National Insurance Company Ltd. Vs. Hamida Khatoon and Others revolves around an insurance claim dispute. The primary issue in this case is the interpretation of the insurance policy terms and the liability of the insurance company towards the insured party…Read more…

Facts of the Case:

  • Hamida Khatoon and others filed a claim against the National Insurance Company Ltd. for compensation.
  • The insurance company disputed the claim, leading to a legal battle that escalated to the Supreme Court of India.
  • The details of the insurance policy, the nature of the claim, and the specific reasons for the dispute are crucial in understanding the judgment.

Legal Issues:

  1. Interpretation of Insurance Policy Terms: The main legal issue is the interpretation of the terms and conditions of the insurance policy.
  2. Liability of the Insurer: Determining the extent of the insurance company’s liability under the policy.
  3. Compliance with Policy Requirements: Whether the claimants (Hamida Khatoon and others) fulfilled all necessary requirements to be eligible for the insurance claim.


  • The Supreme Court of India, in its judgment, analyzed the terms of the insurance policy and the arguments presented by both parties.
  • The court emphasized the need for a fair interpretation of the insurance policy that balances the interests of both the insurer and the insured.
  • The court ruled in favor of Hamida Khatoon and others, holding that the National Insurance Company Ltd. was liable to pay the compensation claimed under the policy.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Policy Interpretation: The judgment highlights the importance of interpreting insurance policy terms in a manner that does not unjustly favor the insurer over the insured.
  2. Fair Treatment: The ruling reinforces the principle that insurance companies must treat their customers fairly and honor their commitments under the policy.
  3. Legal Precedent: This case sets a precedent for future disputes involving insurance claims, particularly in terms of interpreting policy terms and assessing the liability of insurers.


The Supreme Court’s decision in National Insurance Company Ltd. Vs. Hamida Khatoon and Others underscores the judiciary’s role in ensuring that insurance companies act in good faith and uphold their contractual obligations. It serves as a reminder to insurance companies to clearly define their policy terms and to honor valid claims made by policyholders.